“Yet another prestigious award for the iconic Alumine Two SE, reaffirming its excellence!”
“The Alumine Two SE redefines high-fidelity with its exceptional musicality and natural sound. Combining classic design with cutting-edge performance, this compact powerhouse delivers an immersive and dynamic listening experience like no other.”
Vincent Guillemin, VUmetre, January-February 2025
“I simply cannot overstate the way these speakers perform.”
Barry James Johnston, SoundStage Australia, 2023
” …extraordinary balance and precision while still forging emotional bonds with the listener. And it’s high-efficiency, too! An Editor’s Choice winner.”
“… a 2-way monitor with extraordinary balance and precision while still forging emotional bonds with the listener. And it’s high-efficiency, too! An Editor’s Choice winner”
“They capture all of the qualities I’ve pursued over the last 40 years, and I highly recommend them.”
The Part-Time Audiophile, July 2020, Marc Phillips
“The real magic of this speaker is in the focusing, layering and vocal presentation.“
"If you need a compact speaker that allows your music to breathe, that’s big on expression, big on intimacy and communication but isn’t phased by big or loud, then the Alumine 2 could be just what you’re looking for. Other brands might make more noise about (and with) their aluminium boxes, but for me, right now it’s the Stenheims that are the ones delivering the musical goods."
The Audio Beat, UK, March 2017, Roy Gregory
My-Hiend was rewarded Stenheim Alumine 2 with Way a Best Performance Award. Discover a full report by following this link.
My Hiend, Taiwan, Leoh Yeh, December 2013
Stenheim received the Class A recommendation from Stereophile
Stereophile, US, Avril 2012, Art Dudley
The French magazine Haute-Fidélité reviewed the Alumine Bookshelf speaker
Haute Fidelité, France, Juin 2011 , William Savignac