Léonard Gianadda, who established the Pierre Gianadda Foundation in Martigny and is known for his dedicated support of the arts, celebrated his 80th birthday this year. To mark this occasion, an exhibition in his honor, titled “Léonard Gianadda, 80 years of stories to share”, took place in the Vieil Arsenal on the Foundation grounds. 

Léonard Gianadda, Cecilia Bartoli and Jean-Pascal Panchard

Léonard Gianadda, Cecilia Bartoli and Jean-Pascal Panchard

As a regular supporter of events related to music, Stenheim contributed to this celebration by providing two Alumine speakers, giving visitors an exceptional listening experience. A repertoire of classical pieces was specially selected by Léonard Gianadda and played on these speakers in a dedicated room at the heart of the exhibition.

On September 2nd this year, this room was also the site of rare encounter with Cecilia Bartoli, the most celebrated cantatrice of our time. Ms. Bartoli, who has sold more than 10 million records around the world, came to the museum to meet with two great music lovers, Mr. Léonard Gianadda and Mr. Jean-Pascal Panchard, CEO of Stenheim – a meeting rich with friendship and a shared passion.

Viel Arsenal
